Anthony Scaramucci’s Wife Kicks Him to the Curb Like They Did Reince Priebus

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Yes, there’s that old adage about karma, but we think Brand Nubian said it best: “What goes around comes back around again.

And so it goes with Anthony Scaramucci, aka Scar, aka the Mooch, aka Scaramucci Mane. Scaramucci, the new White House communications director who gleefully and crudely took part in the embarrassing undoing of White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, has himself been unceremoniously dumped by his wife, Deidre (née Ball).


The New York Post reports that it was the Mooch’s “naked political ambition” (i.e., shameless Trump-dick riding) that did his marriage in.


“Deidre has left him and has filed for divorce. She liked the nice Wall Street life and their home on Long Island, not the insane world of D.C.,” a source told the paper. “She is tired of his naked ambition, which is so enormous that it left her at her wits’ end. She has left him even though they have two children together.”


Ball used to go by the Twitter handle @MrsAScaramucci, but according to reports, she deleted her account after her husband was appointed White House communications director.

Scaramucci, 52, and Ball, 38, began dating in 2011 and are believed to have married in 2014. They reportedly have had some fights over his allegiance to Trump, and I guess this new gig trumped it.


Mooch, who had a whole lot to say about everyone else, was decidedly muted in his latest tweet, which read in part, “I would ask that you would put my family in your thoughts and prayers & nothing more.”


Read more at the New York Post.