Conservative pundit Ann Coulter insinuated on Monday that MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry was a token African American on the cable network. Coulter was on Fox New’s Hannity show discussing Harris-Perry’s apology over comments made on her show about Mitt Romney’s black grandchild.
Harris-Perry has apologized for the slipup, which drew conservative fire but was also defended by conservative media host Glenn Beck. The Romney family also accepted the tearful apology she offered on her show.
Coulter and Hannity, however, were not satisfied, suggesting that she offered the apology only because her job was in jeopardy. Then Coulter went in on Harris-Perry for being the "token" at MSNBC.
"It's particularly good having Melissa Harris-Perry of all people making fun of a black child in the Romney family as a token," Coulter told Hannity. "What does she think she is at MSNBC?"
Hannity took exception to that statement, asking, "Why would you say that?" before adding that MSNBC had plenty of blacks, including the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Watch the segment below: