Angela Davis Documentary 'Free Angela' Reveals Her Story

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When filmmaker Shola Lynch appeared in the December 2006 issue of Black Enterprise, her Angela Davis documentary, Free Angela & All Political Prisoners , then in the works, only warranted a one-sentence mention at the very end of the article. Fast forward to the present, and Free Angela—which has been eight years in the making—seems to have taken on a life of its own. Marquee names such as Jada Pinkett Smith and Jay-Z are attached to the film, and on Friday it is being released in select theaters nationwide.

Lynch, who made her directorial debut with the award-winning Chilshom ’72: Unbought & Unbossed, says that Free Angela & All Political Prisoners was inspired by the questions she had surrounding the world-famous activist.

“She was a 26-year-old philosophy professor. How and why did she become an international political icon? How is that possible?” asks Lynch, who wrote and directed the film.


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