A 20-year-old Florida man has just been sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison after crafting a plot to kill his girlfriend. Allegedly, he falsely accused her of giving him an STD. If you thought that was bad, just wait until you get to the part where his mother was in on the hit.
Police say 20-year-old Keith Agee walked into Home Depot in Escambia County, Florida, on August 11 to confront the 18-year-old mother of his child, Brooklyn Sims. As reported by CBS Austin, surveillance footage allegedly captured Agee walking down aisle 52 and seconds later, customers were seen running frantic from that very spot in the store.
Agee was then seen fleeing the store and hopping into a vehicle to escape. When the police responded, they said they found Sims lying unresponsive on the ground, appearing to have been shot. Moments later, police say Agee called 911 to turn himself in.
According to the arrest report, he told the cops he had just spent an intimate weekend with Sims when he got a call from the doctor’s office saying he tested positive for an STD. After receiving this information, he said he went home, grabbed his gun and headed to his girlfriend’s workplace to confront her. He told the police he approached Sims, pointed his finger at her and said, “You gave me something.” He said she responded, “Not this again,” and walked away from her which provoked him to unbelievable anger.
Agee then admitted to drawing his gun and firing at Sims, killing her and injuring two other people. This may seem like a spontaneous fit of rage but police say he was plotting on the girl’s demise... and had some help.
Read more from CBS Austin:
Investigators discovered that the mother of the suspect, Keith Agee, knew and even helped him coordinate the murder,” the sheriff’s office says in a release. “According to text messages, it’s clear that Keith Agee’s mother, Sheila Agee, knew and participated in the plan to kill Brooklyn Sims. Additionally, text messages between mother and son highlight the mother’s involvement in helping locate the victim.
In a series of text messages published by CBS Austin, Agee’s mother, Sheila, told her son “if you don’t come kill her you a mf b**ch.” She also texted that she doesn’t care what her son does because she “wasn’t going to hell or jail” that day.
Well, that message aged terribly given she has also been arrested and charged with first-degree murder, court documents show. As for her son, he’s been sentenced to life in prison for premeditated first-degree murder and two counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. His daughter is now in custody of Sims’ mother, according to PEOPLE.
Oh … and it was revealed during trial that he actually didn’t have an STD.