An App for Tracking Your Sexual Health

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(The Root) — As we come to the end of National HIV Awareness Month, here is one more resource you should consider in the effort not only to end this epidemic but also to combat the spread of all sexually transmitted infections. The first step in preventing their spread is knowing your status. And the Chec-Mate app helps users stay on top of their health.

"The Chec-Mate application allows individuals to instantly locate screening facilities in their area, discreetly schedule a screening and securely store the results of that screening right on their smartphone for easy, confidential sharing," Eli Dancy, CEO of STFree Certifications Inc. and creator of the Chec-Mate app, told The Root. "STFree has developed a one-of-a-kind prevention tool based on effective prevention strategies that not only engages its users but also empowers, activates and positively impacts their lives."

This method of screening and sharing has a variety of benefits over carrying around paper results from a doctor or facility. The potential for fraud is dramatically decreased, and you don't have to disclose all of your personal information when sharing info. The Chec-Mate app complies with all HIPAA laws, and you alone make the decision about who gets to see your test results.


African Americans account for 44 percent of the 50,000 new HIV cases (pdf) in the United States each year, making it the third leading cause of death for blacks ages 35 to44. With statistics like these, we can't afford to take our status for granted any longer. The Chec-Mate app is free for the iPhone, with an Android version coming soon. 

Follow tech-life expert Stephanie Humphrey on Twitter.