Editor's note: This post contains social media messages that some may find offensive.
Amber Rose is not a happy camper. She took one look at a blurb in GQ about the feature article she conducted with the magazine, and took to Instagram to give GQ's editors a piece of her mind.
"Really @GQ??? I'm so much more then Kanye's Ex or Wiz's baby's mama," Rose wrote.
Yep, the blurb referred to Rose as "Kanye's infamous ex" and "Wiz Khalifa's baby mama." Nothing wrong with the former, because, well, Rose's relationship with Kanye West is how she was introduced to the mainstream. But GQ should have rethought the latter, since Rose is Wiz's ex-wife, and not just the mother of his son.
Rose explained how she did the interview to bring attention to the anti-slut campaign she's been on recently. It's a charged campaign to shut down the idea that women who dress a certain way or talk a certain way or look a certain way or conduct their sex lives a certain way should be labeled whores and demeaned.
"Damn, why the [f—k] did u guys reach out to me for this article and photoshoot? To dumb me down? I talked about feminism and my Slutwalk," Rose wrote. "I expected so much more from u guys and I'm so disappointed."
Then she started talking plain ole shots: "I was so excited to be featured in GQ not realizing I was shooting for a tabloid." Rose said she created her slutwalk to counter "ignorant [s—t] like this."
She also hated the reference to one of Kanye's albums. "Oh 'Her beautiful dark twisted journey to the top?' Nice pun. Negative [as f—k]. Thx for nothing," she finished.
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Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.
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