Amanda Bynes vs. Rihanna?

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(The Root) — Former child star Amanda Bynes' manic antics continued on Twitter yesterday when she lashed out at Rihanna, seemingly at random. It started when Bynes sent tweets telling Rihanna that she almost named her dog after her and that Chris Brown beat her because she wasn't pretty enough.

Rihanna threw out a quick one liner in response, saying, "Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention?" Bynes caught wind and responded, saying that she doesn't do drugs and again calling Rihanna ugly. Bynes' tweets have since been deleted.

This is yet another crazy moment in a string of bizarre behavior for the former child actress. Bynes was recently arrested for allegedly throwing a bong out the window of her New York City apartment. The public began wondering about Bynes' sobriety and sanity after stories surfaced about her strange behavior around Los Angeles and her current home of New York and she began tweeting pictures showing some extreme changes in her physical appearance. And then there was that rather explicit tweet about the singer Drake.


Read more at TMZ.

Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.