South Carolina's infamous Democratic senatorial candidate Alvin Greene isn't taken too seriously by the public at large as a viable candidate, but that hasn't stopped him from occasionally pleading his case on national media outlets. Greene, who was indicted in August on a felony obscenity charge, gave an interview to MSNBC's The Last Word Monday, and he was, shall we say, no more impressive than he's been at any other point in his candidacy. Black Voices' Jam Donaldson wrote: "He would not be distracted from promoting the needs of the people of South Carolina. Who cares if he kept repeating himself as if he had memorized his lines? Who cares if he ignored any questions he was actually asked? Who cares if he looked like a remarkably life-like android who was sent to Earth to gain information about human democracies before the 'invasion?' I don't." He's tried radio and television — maybe Greene should stick to op-eds in the newspaper?
Read more at Black Voices.
Lauren is a former Deputy Editor of The Root.