Why so many Americans can't access healthy food: In America, it's not just eating well that's solely for the rich. Increasingly, it seems, eating healthfully is also something only the well-off can do. That's in part because the country's food system is set up to produce exactly that outcome, says Tracie McMillan, who explores how Americans eat in her new book, The American Way of Eating. Read about it at ColorLines.
Lawsuit: Obama can't be president because he's black: Just when you thought the Birther movement couldn't get any crazier, a new lawsuit filed by an Alaska man aims to remove President Barack Obama from the state's ballot, arguing that Obama is not a "natural born citizen" because he is African American.
Allen West tells Obama to stop bragging about Bin Laden: "Please stop with the Osama bin Laden line, U.S. Navy SEALS double-tapped that rascal," the freshman lawmaker posted on his Facebook page Friday morning.
Report: Black families overrepresented among homeless: "The unfortunate fact is that black families in the United States are much more likely to experience poverty than their white counterparts and are overwhelmingly represented in homeless shelters throughout the country," said Ralph da Costa Nunez, president and CEO of the Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness. "This report raises the question of how family homelessness has moved beyond simply a poverty issue and become a racial one."
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