Allen West: Sex Letter Is 'Garbage Story'

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A representative of Florida Rep. Allen West's campaign says the letter the Miami Herald's Gossip Extra reported on yesterday, in which he was allegedly quoted demanding that his wife be his "porn star" and always wear bikinis while on vacation, was totally fabricated.

Did you hear that collective sigh of relief? It came not only from those worried about the implications of the revealing piece of mail for the conservative congressman's career (it could have been tied with no trouble at all to what many would say is his anti-woman political agenda), but also for the rest of us, who, in a totally nonpartisan way, were just plain disturbed by the idea of anyone having to "Get ready!" for his preferred "intimate acts." From Politicker:

"We're not going to comment on this crap, it's just a garbage story," [West campaign spokeswoman Michele] Hickford said.

We asked whether she debated the veracity of the letter and, though she didn't directly deny its existence, she pointed to the fact [Miami Herald "Gossip Extra"columnist Jose] Lambiet has not published a copy of the document.

"He hasn't produced a letter, so, as of now, there's no letter," she said.

In his blog post about the alleged letter, Mr. Lambiet said he chose "to withhold publication of the letter because of its nature." However, that didn't stop Mr. Lambiet from printing several excerpts including a vow from Mr. West to try to be "a clean cut, healthy and affectionate man," a claim the congressman detailed several "intimate acts" he expected to engage in with his wife upon his return from the war that would be "the standard and it is non-negotiable" and a demand his wife commit to wearing "two-piece swim suits when on vacations."

The "porn star" quote came in the alleged letter's sign-off, which said:

"Angela, I need to know, are you committed to being my porn star? … I do not want to hear ‘no' or 'we'll see about that.' I want my fantasies to be with you. God has authorized you and you only as my partner for intimacy and that is what I want … Get ready!

Read more at Politicker.

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