Albert Haynesworth Is Just Not That Into You

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Washington Redskins player — aka NFL bust — Albert Haynesworth has an interesting defense for the sexual-abuse charge he was hit with back in February for allegedly fondling a waitress at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C. Apparently Haynesworth told the investigator that he doesn't "even like black girls," and that the waitress is mad because he has a white girlfriend. Really.

Haynesworth, who refused to cop a plea with no jail time for pleading guilty to simple assault for the incident, has managed to demonstrate the lack of humility exercised with the Redskins organization — you know, the team that is desperately trying to trade the troublemaker.

Yes, we're sure the waitress wanted the biggest bust of the NFL in the last two years — the $100 million player who couldn't pass a conditioning test during training camp last year, failed to deliver on the field and complained about having to report to work (tongue planted firmly in cheek). The same NFL player who tried to stomp on Dallas Cowboy Andre Gurode's head (without the helmet) when playing for the Tenessee Titans in 2006 is so desirable. The same man charged with road rage in February and has Redskins fans publicly demanding that he be traded for his poor performance, matched only by his poor attitude, is a catch. Not to worry, Haynesworth; black women are not losing sleep over you.


Memo to Mr. Haynesworth: Referring to a black woman as a "girl" that you don't even like actually supports her claim. People typically sexually abuse people they don't like or respect. We figured that we would point that out for you, since thinking before speaking — or just plain thinking — doesn't seem to be one of your strengths.

Read more at Madame Noire.

In other news: 'Wheel of Fortune': Video of Racist Contestant a Fake.

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