A Talladega, Ala., police officer was fired after racist posts, apparently from his Facebook page, surfaced on social media earlier this week, Talladega City Manager Patrick Bryant confirmed earlier this week, the Daily Home reports.
Another one bites the dust.
Officer Joel Husk reportedly shared posts from the Last American Patriots and from Donald Trump, the Political Movement. The post from Last American Patriots showed a black-and-white photo of bodies across a battlefield with the words, "Over 620,000 white people died to free black slaves and still to this day not even 1 thank you.”
The other post showed pictures of future first lady Melania Trump with the caption, “Fluent in Slovenian, English, French, Serbian and German,” next to first lady Michelle Obama and the caption, “Fluent In Ghetto.”
According to the Daily Home, the posts have either since been taken down or been made private on Facebook.
Bryant said that the decision to fire the officer was based on a long-standing policy of the Talladega Police Department.
“We will not tolerate that kind of conduct by any employees,” he said. “We take very seriously our responsibility to treat everyone equally and equitably. … We have to make sure we take steps for the community to trust us.
“For the police especially, they have to guarantee the rights of everyone, regardless of race, creed, gender, religion, etc. Any time someone makes a statement like that that is biased, insensitive or derogatory, that reflects negatively on the department and all agencies of the city," the city manager added. “Our responsibility is to our residents, to provide service to everyone. That especially includes law enforcement. The community trust them to provide a vital service fairly. If a comment or post reflects a level of bias that says they cannot provide that service fairly, then we have to act.”
Read more at the Daily Home.