Ala. 8-Year-Old Writes Best-Seller: How to Deal With and Care for Your Annoying Little Brother

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There’s more #BlackGirlMagic this beautiful Friday, and this time little Nia Mya Reese, from Birmingham, Ala., has written a book about how to care for and deal with “annoying” little brothers, which is advice I can personally use as a big sister myself.

Anyway, according to CBS News, little Miss Nia Mya knew so much about caring for and feeding little brothers that she thought she could write a book. The precocious 8-year-old did just that, and now it’s a best-seller.

Nia Mya loves being a big sister, but as all big sisters know, having a little brother is not easy.


“He will throw the ball and the ball will just go flying everywhere,” she said. “And it sometimes hits me.”


And it’s not always easy to get your words across to the little terrors that are little brothers.


“I will sometimes have to say no,” she said. “He won’t always listen.”

Nia Mya had so much on her mind about her experience that it took her only a few days to write her book, CBS News notes.


And her book How to Deal With and Care for Your Annoying Little Brother is now on Amazon’s best-seller list for parenting.


The book all started as an assignment for teacher Beth Hankins’ first-grade class last year.

“It really has spread the excitement across our school for other young writers,” said Hankins. “And Nia Mya shared that she was a great big sister to an annoying little brother.”


When CBS News asked Nia Mya if most 5-year-old brothers aren’t annoying, Nia Mia quipped, “Well, he’s a little downright annoying.”

Her mother, Cherinita, thought that her daughter should continue working on the project over the summer as a way to work on her writing.


“Work on your sentences. Work on the spelling, work on the way that it’s worded,” Cherinita said. “And that will be your summer project.”

Well, it turned out to be more than a summer project and wound up imparting lessons on patience, kindness and love.


And Nia Mya has probably learned the most from her experience, learning how to disguise learning as fun, which she shares with others at her school.

“I learned to follow my own dreams,” she told the news station.

Read more at CBS News.