African Moms, Be Patient With US Single Daughters

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On CNN, China Okasi writes that it's not just black American women whose mothers worry that they'll die alone; African mothers in the U.S. have their own set of expectations.

Being an unmarried African woman in her childbearing years is like being a manicurist with a hand tremor: very odd and rather tricky. She is expected to marry early and marry well.

African mothers, then, are in a deep crisis. They immigrated to the United States with the hopes that their daughters would get a good education and fulfill the American Dream. But they never considered that, along with having all that modernity, their daughters would, like the rest of America's young, empowered women, be so "late" in marriage.

Granted, African moms are not alone in their hopes. But still, some of them seem particularly affected. What shall they do?

Read China Okasi's entire piece at CNN.

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