This is a companion piece to Tracing DNA Not Just to Africa but to 1 Tribe.
Advancements in DNA research have shed light on the multifaceted makeup and origins of today's African Americans. In fact, most of today's African-American population can trace their ancestry back to one of just 46 ethnic groups. Three large regions of Atlantic Africa were the major contributors to the slave trade: Upper Guinea, including the modern countries of Senegal, Mali, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia; Lower Guinea, including the southern portions of eastern Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria; and West Central Africa, which encompassed mostly the western portions of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola.
Here are the African tribes from which most of today's African Americans come.
Groups Location Today
Wolof Senegal
Mandinka Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Gambia,
Ivory Coast, Niger, Liberia, Guinea-Bissau
Serer Senegal, Gambia
Fulbe/Fulani/Peulh/Fula Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Guinea,
Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia,
Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon
Jola Gambia, Guinea
Balanta Sierra Leone
Falupo Sierra Leone
Mende Sierra Leone
Susu Sierra Leone
Nalu Sierra Leone
Bran Sierra Leone
Kru Liberia
Kpele Liberia
Balanta Guinea-Bissau
Biafara Guinea-Bissau
Temne Guinea-Bissau
Akan/Asante/Fanti Ivory Coast/Ghana
Ga Ghana
Ewe Ghana/Togo/Benin
Fon Benin
Yoruba Nigeria/Benin
Gurma Ghana
Dagomba Ghana
Mahi Benin
Bariba Benin
Hausa Nigeria
Ibo/Igbo Nigeria
Ijaw (Ijo) Nigeria
Efik Nigeria
Igala Nigeria
Kalabari Nigeria
Itsekiri Nigeria
Ibibio Nigeria, Cameroon
Edo Nigeria
Duala Cameroon
Tikar Cameroon
Bamun Cameroon
Bamileke Cameroon
Teke Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC)
Yaka DRC
Chokwe DRC, Angola
Lunda DRC, Angola
Kongo DRC, Angola
Luba DRC
Luchaze Zambia, Angola
Mbundu Angola
Ovimbundu Angola