Afghan President Karzai Agrees to Run-Off

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After having been accused of voter fraud by just about the entire world, Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai has agreed to a November 7th run-off election against his main challenger, Abdullah Abdullah. According to CNN

Karzai will face his main challenger Abdullah Abdullah in the second round after neither candidate secured more than 50 percent of the vote in the August 20 elections, the Afghan Independent Election Commission said.

The announcement follows weeks of stalemate over the election with Karzai rejecting allegations of fraud to claim a vote majority, despite heavy criticism from key international allies in the country's fight against a Taliban insurgency.

Thousands of votes have been invalidated by the UN-backed Electoral Complaints Commission and, as a result, the French and American governments have urged Karzai to respect the committee's findings. Visiting Kabul, John Kerry had this to say about the run-off

"[It] will allow the national leadership to govern with legitimacy. We believe with this decision by the president today that a time of enormous uncertainty has been transformed into great opportunity."


Karzai himself has claimed he respects the committee's findings and that this will be a great moment in history, but The Buzz can't help but think homie is pretty ticked off right now.