ACORN: Dissolved as a National Structure?

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Saw this bit of ACORN news over on Politico. The national structure of the organization is no more

The embattled liberal group ACORN is in the process of dissolving its national structure, with state and local-chapters splitting off from the underfunded, controversial national group, an official close to the group confirmed.

"ACORN has dissolved as a national structure of state organizations," said a senior official close to the group, who declined to be identified by name because of the fierce conservative attacks on the group that began when a conservative filmmaker caught some staffers of its tax advisory arms on tape appearing to offer advice on incorporating a prostitution business.

The videos proved a rallying point for conservatives who had long accused the group of fomenting voting fraud. Though the videos did not produce criminal charges, they appear to have been fatal to the national organization.

But wait! Adam Serwer of The American Prospect is reporting dissolution is not the case. Maybe.

A spokesperson for ACORN is denying a report a report published in City Hall earlier today that the national organization is splitting into unaffiliated state organizations. A follow-up report from Ben Smith quotes "a senior official close to the group" that says "ACORN has dissolved as a national structure of state organizations."

“It is not true that ACORN is closed for business all across the country. It still exists. Bertha Lewis is still the CEO," Kevin Whelan told me. "It is true that we are shutting down operations in New York and there is this new New York Community organization,” he added, referring to New York Communities for Change, the group that has emerged in ACORN's place. NYCC follows ACORN's California chapter, which in January reformed as the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE).

So, while ACORN is denying that they're dissolving as a national organization, it doesn't seem entirely out of the realm of possibility, given the issues they're facing. Even if the national staff is sticking together, it's not clear how else to describe what happens if ultimately enough state chapters choose to break off.


The power of persistence rears its ugly head. Maybe.