ACLU Suing FBI Over Alleged Racial Profiling

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News One is reporting that the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the FBI to uncover information on possible unconstitutional investigations of certain racial and ethnic groups.

The ACLU wants to expose the use of the FBI's Domestic Intelligence Operations Guide, which they believe may have been used to map people and businesses in Michigan considered "ethnic oriented." Mark Fancher, an attorney with the ACLU, says that if any unconstitutional practices are found, the FBI may see more lawsuits against them in the future. Muslims and immigrants are alleged to have been the target of the unconstitutional investigations.

The article states, "When you presume that because of someone's race or ethnicity that they are inherently criminal or inherently prone to engage in criminal activity, and therefore subject to special surveillance or harassment or arrest, then you have violated their rights," says Fancher. "That is not what America was intended to be and in the minds of many not what it is."


Enough said.

Read more at News One.

In other news: DNA-Based Medicine: Race Emerges in Debate.