ACLU Represents KKK in Highway Case

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A group known for spewing racist trash, is, somewhat appropriately, fighting for the right to pick up garbage on a stretch of Georgia road.

And in this real-life version of the old "If you really believe in freedom of speech, you have to support it for terrible people who no one wants to hear, too" hypothetical, the American Civil Liberties Union is representing the bid of the Georgia Realm of the International Keystone Knights of the KKK (a certified hate group) to become a part of the state's Adopt-a-Highway Program. It's not the first time the group known mostly for defending liberal causes has defended a surprising client against "viewpoint discrimination."

"They chose to bar them because some people find their message offensive," the ACLU's Debbie Seagraves said, explaining that a violation of the First Amendment was "pretty clear."


But interestingly, the Georgia Department of Transportation says the issue with the KKK's participation isn't that it has a history of hate and violence that could offend or intimidate drivers. Instead, it's that the repugnant reputation could make members "targets" as they performed their adopted-highway duties. A representative told Time magazine that that would invite legal troubles.


Would you be more likely to avoid a KKK-sponsored highway, toss something out the window in the direction of the racist refuse-removal team or drive on by, silently celebrating the Constitution? Let us know in the comments.


Read more at Time magazine.

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