Following a steamy episode that set Twitter ablaze on Thursday, the Los Angeles Times reports that ABC has renewed the hourlong drama Scandal. Created and written by Shonda Rhimes of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice fame, Scandal follows a crisis-management firm run by Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington).
With her employees, including one staff member well-versed in torture tactics, Pope tangles with Washington, D.C.'s elite, including the president, with whom she's trying to negotiate a secret romantic affair.
The Los Angeles Times reports:
From Grey's Anatomy overlord Shonda Rhimes, the D.C.-set drama about a political fixer premiered with a solid 7.3 million viewers and has performed well for the network since then with the help of its Grey's lead-in.
“Am super proud to say that @ScandalABC has been picked for a 2nd season!!!” Rhimes tweeted of the series, which is based on crisis manager extraordinaire Judy Smith. “Am doing a little dance of joy." The network previously announced the renewal of Grey's Anatomy. No word yet on whether Rhimes' other show, Private Practice, will return.
Read more at the Los Angeles Times.
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