Gone are the days when you had to wear a full suit and tie for a job interview. As remote work has grown in popularity and more companies are allowing their employees to express their individual style in the office, workers have more freedom to show up in a way that makes them comfortable.
But while the office dress code may be a lot more relaxed these days, is it ever okay to wear shorts to a job interview? That’s the debate happening on social media after San Antonio-based content creator Tyreshia shared her shock about being asked to change by a recruiter in a TikTok video.
Tyreshia, showed off her interview ‘fit – a pair of black shorts, a white top and white cardigan sweater – in her video and seems legitimately baffled and outraged by HR’s ask that she change into something more workplace appropriate.
“I cannot believe the recruiter asked me to change my interview clothes then come back. I look very neat and professional, so no!” she captioned her post.
Although it isn’t clear what kind of job she’s applying for, judging by the recruiter’s reaction, she wasn’t trying to be a lifeguard. Tyreshia’s video received over 47,000 comments and, spoiler alert...most of them were not on her side.
“[You’re] doomed sweet pea. Even in this world of participation trophies and political correctness, most companies would be foolish to offer you a job. No respect for yourself or others,” wrote someone.
“Unless you were applying to Hot Dog on a Stick, shorts are inappropriate for an interview,” wrote another person.
“I was dressing more business casual than this in the club in 2010,” someone pointed out.
Other commenters made sure Tyreshia knew how just how lucky she was that the recruiter even gave her a chance to change in this difficult job market.
“To request to reschedule means they see something on your resume they like. Don’t make them unsee it due to your clothing choices,” wrote someone.
But sprinkled between the criticisms, we actually found some younger commenters who saw nothing wrong with Tyreshia’s choice of clothing and even suggested that it’s the recruiters who need to change.
“Ma’am you look cute! Why can’t we get an update on these old dress codes?!?! It’s not the 1950s anymore!” wrote someone.
Last week, Tyreshia shared an update to her original post, thanking commenters for their engagement. She says she used the experience as a teachable moment and plans to start sharing content on appropriate workplace attire for young adults.