Recently, the story came out of a Texas man who brutally beat his child to death and was allegedly aided by his wife, who then abandoned the child’s corpse to be left with his siblings. Now, the court has decided what her punishment will be for her part in the heinous crime.
A judge convicted 34-year-old Brian Coulter of capital murder back in April for the death of his 8-year-old stepson, Kendrick, in 2020. Kendrick’s siblings testified during Coulter’s bench trial they witnessed the man fatally beat the boy. Coulter then covered the body with a blanket and moved himself and his wife, 38-year-old Gloria Williams, to another apartment. Kendrick’s remains were left with his siblings, ages 7, 9 and 15, authorities said.
It wasn’t until a year later that the 15-year-old called the police to alert them of the situation, per the Harris County District Attorney’s Office. At that point, Kendrick’s remains were nothing more than a skeleton. Police said the apartment was in horrid condition with soiled carpet, no furniture and no bedding.
Coulter was charged following the discovery of the children. However, he threw his wife under the bus too. Williams pleaded guilty to two charges of injury to a child causing serious bodily injury in connection to her son’s death and the injury of another one of her kids. Coulter was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Wednesday, Williams was handed a sentence of 50 years in prison, being eligible for parole after serving half of her time. Part of her plea agreement was a request her children would not have to testify on their brother’s death again, per the DA’s office.
“By pleading guilty and waiving the right to a jury trial, the defendant finally acted like a protective mother. For one day of her children’s lives, she was a good mother,” said prosecutor Edward A. Appelbaum in a statement.