When you think of the craft brewing industry or even beer consumption in general, you might picture a white man with a beard and a curly mustache. But check the facts, beer bros: Women actually invented beer. Despite that, women are heavily underrepresented in the brewing industry. It’s estimated that African-Americans as a whole represent less than one percent of brewery owners. But Rocky Mount Brewery hopes to change that. Celeste Beatty—the first African-American woman to own a brewery, and Briana Brake of Spaceway Brewery, are making strides in an industry where black women aren’t expected to participate, let alone excel in. And for them, it’s bigger than just beer. “We can’t just be about the business of beer,” says Beatty. “We really are sincerely committed to doing everything we can through this platform to open up doors of opportunity for the community.” With restaurants and bars closing their doors due to COVID-19, Rocky Mount Brewery has been dramatically affected. Consider supporting them and other black businesses during this time.