Tennessee state Rep. David Byrd once claimed that the “mainstream media has sensationalized the reporting on COVID-19 in the service of political agendas.” Byrd has been seen on the House floor without a mask, which goes against everything that scientists have suggested during the pandemic.
On Thursday, Byrd posted a message to Facebook asking friends to pray for him as he was hospitalized over the weekend and, barring a “miracle,” he was going to be placed on a ventilator due to COVID-19.
Byrd was reportedly flown by helicopter to a local hospital where he remains after suffering from pneumonia symptoms and subsequently testing positive for COVID-19.
“I really need a miracle today!!” Byrd wrote Thursday. “My doctor said if my oxygen level doesn’t improve then he has no choice but to put me on a ventilator. So please pray that God will breathe His healing spirit into my lungs!!”
According to the Tennessean, the 63-year-old Waynesboro Representative was seen amongst some 70 House Republicans during a caucus meeting Nov. 24, with his face butt-ass naked just raw dogging air like he’s not living in a pandemic. A week-and-a-half later he was hospitalized with the virus.
“Several members from the House and Senate have contracted coronavirus in recent months. Byrd is at least the second House Republican to be hospitalized with the virus,” the Tennessean reports.
This was not the first time that Byrd had asked for healing in his lungs; earlier this week he asked everyone who follows him on Facebook to send healing love his way.
“Thanks everyone for your prayers, and PLEASE CONTINUE!! Please pray for God’s healing for my lungs, and that He will give me strength and endurance as I battle this virus. Also, please pray for Sherry, and my family!! THANK YOU!!”
Do you think now is a bad time to mention the doctors and scientists who have been advocating for people to wear masks and practice social distancing? Is it too soon or too late to bring this up? What if God specifically gave the message of wearing masks to the doctors and scientists? And, if so, has Bryd been ignoring God this whole time?
OK, fine. I will see myself out.