The NBA is back! On the same week that news broke of a more contagious strain of a virus that has killed millions of people! There’s no bubble this time either! Just planes and airports and buses and hotels like any other non-pandemic time! I am very excited for this season and I plan to watch as many games as I can. I also hope none of the players get COVID!
Here is a preview of this season!
Teams that really should just stay in the house because they’re so irrelevant that playing just ain’t worth the risk of catching COVID
Cleveland Cavaliers
Orlando Magic
Sacramento Kings
Oklahoma City Thunder
Chicago Bulls
Detroit Pistons
Teams so bad you might actually catch COVID through your TV screen if you watch them
New York Knicks
Teams with the GOAT Dominican ballplayer and a No. 1 draft pick who literally just said he doesn’t really like basketball all that much
Minnesota Timberwolves
Teams with a rookie who everyone is trying to find a historical comparison for but no one thinks of the simplest one (Jason Williams!!!) because he’s Black-ish and the other guy is white
Charlotte Hornets
Teams who feature Basketball Menudo
Atlanta Hawks
Decent teams who will test the limits of your NBA fandom if you make a conscious decision to watch them on TV instead of doing something—literally anything—else with your life
San Antonio Spurs
Indiana Pacers
Teams whose recent construction and location provide more evidence for my theory that Russell Westbrook is secretly in the CIA
Washington Wizards
Teams with a starting backcourt whose preferred methods of self-care and stress relief will likely personally finance beach homes, granite countertops, and 401Ks for night-shift ballet dancers throughout the Houston metropolitan area
Houston Rockets
Teams that are legitimately exciting but still may be a year away from being legitimately good and also happen to feature the two best South Carolina exports since She-Crab Soup
Memphis Grizzlies
New Orleans Pelicans
(Part two coming tomorrow)