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A Peek into the Estate of James Brown, 'The Godfather of Soul'

A Peek into the Estate of James Brown, 'The Godfather of Soul'

Brown's estate, which has been left the way it was the day the singer died, was purchased for $90 million, according to Billboard.

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Screenshot: Youtube, Photo: Richard E. Aaron

James Brown also heralded as “The Godfather of Soul” and “The Hardest Working man in Show Business” left an extraordinary legacy after his passing in 2006. With a colorful and extravagant persona, Brown’s larger-than-life style still appears in the home he lived in prior to his death. Born in Barnwell SC, his family moved when he was only five to nearby Augusta.


According to a recent article by Billboard, his estate is located a few minutes away from his hometown and is now under the stewardship of Primary Wave, a marketing and branding firm, which “purchased assets of the estate for a reported $90 million.”

Here’s more from Billboard:

Though the Brown house is technically in South Carolina, Augusta lies just 8 miles away. And the city will be an important partner in Primary Wave’s ultimate vision for the house: a Brown version of Elvis Presley’s home-turned-museum, Graceland.

From the choices of his costumes to the style of his hair to his energetic performances, Brown was a standout performer. However, his roots started simply and he carried over that simplicity and his later grandiose style into the home he last lived in. Now you can take a peek inside of “The Godfather of Soul’s” home in Beech Island, SC and experience how the artist remained close to his humble roots, but still managed to showcase his lavish style.

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The Extraordinary Entrance

The Extraordinary Entrance

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James Brown’s home is located on 62.8 acres of land in Beech Island, South Carolina on James Brown Boulevard. Iron Gates are the first things that welcome you to the private property.

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A Personal Boulevard

A Personal Boulevard

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If the iron gates aren’t enough to clue you that you are entering the famous singers property, then maybe the fact that the property is on James Brown Boulevard will clue you in.

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There Are James Brown Signs Everywhere

There Are James Brown Signs Everywhere

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And if those two things still aren’t enough for you to figure out that Brown lived here, you’ll find the letter B printed on various areas of the house.

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Humble Roots

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Photo: Michael Ochs (Getty Images)

In 1933, James Brown was born in Barnswell, SC in a wooden shack. During a 1995 interview, Brown explained he was inspired to return to his birth state after his father’s passing.

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A Festive Foyer

A Festive Foyer

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Inside the home he eventually purchased, he created a bright, inviting entrance. When you first walk into the home, you are thrust into a world full of color with a green foyer, and lavish furniture.

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One Last Christmas

One Last Christmas

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The last Christmas Tree the artist put up in his home is also in the foyer. Apart from some items that were put up for auction, the house remains largely untouched.

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A Final Cover

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Also in the foyer is his last copy of Jet Magazine, with the image of James Brown on the cover. The magazine was left on a side table when he died and reportedly is still there.

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Fabulous Family Room

Fabulous Family Room

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The family room has wood carved walls, black and white tiles and leather sofas. It’s a place for everyone to come together and have a good time in each others company.

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Remaining Rooted

Remaining Rooted

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Vases of cotton are left around the house; James Brown kept the cotton to serve as a reminder of his humble roots.

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A Brief Insight Into Childhood

A Brief Insight Into Childhood

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Screenshot: Christies

As a boy, in order to make some change, James Brown picked cotton; he also worked as a coal-scrounger, a shoeshine boy and reportedly performed “buck” dances to entertain troops at the start of World War II.

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The Hair Salon

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James Brown’s straightened hair was not only part of his signature look but the health of his beautiful locks was important to him, evidenced by his personal hair salon that is stacked with hair products.

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Stocked Shelves

Stocked Shelves

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Brown made sure to keep his shelves stocked with favorite hair products. According to Brown’s daughter Deanna Brown, the artist’s standing order was “give me everything you’ve got.”


Billboard gives even more detail:

Inside Brown’s personal hair salon there’s a basket of dozens of hair curlers, with bottles and cans of hair product lining the shelves. A mix of cultural artifacts — African, Native American, Indian, East Asian — adorn every room; each light switch cover is a photo of Brown holding a street sign with his name on it.

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A Necessary Space For Recovery

A Necessary Space For Recovery

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You can also find a massage table and monogrammed towel in his salon, making it the perfect relaxation space for “The Hardest Working man in Show Business.”

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The Rarely-used Intercom System

The Rarely-used Intercom System

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According to his daughter, the house also features an intercom system that apparently was rarely used as the artist would just shout if he needed anyone.

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A Six Car Garage

A Six Car Garage

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A six-car garage shelters James Brown’s relatively humble car collection considering how big of a star he was.

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More Space For Tour Buses

More Space For Tour Buses

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Just across from the garage on the lawn also sits two of Brown’s tour buses, with...of course ... his name is written on the front of them.

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Personal Bar

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A bar in the house showcases some of the artists favorite places that he had visited such as the MGM Grand.

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A Museum For The Mansion

A Museum For The Mansion

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What do you think? Can Brown’s home become the Black Graceland? According to Billboard, “If things go to plan, Augusta will soon be even more widely known as the home of James Brown — the City of Soul, perhaps, or of Funk — where his legacy and influence are on full display.”
