The day after the Darren Wilson grand jury announcement, a burned body was found in Ferguson, Mo., near the apartment complex where Wilson shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown. That body has been identified as Deandre Joshua, 20, reports the Huffington Post. Joshua had been shot in the head, and his burned body was found in his car, parked near the Canefield Apartments.
“The unknown is what scares me. I don’t know what happened to him,” Deandre’s mother, Maria, told the New York Times.
Police have not named any suspects. Last week police pointed out that there might be a “nexus” between Joshua’s killing and the unrest following the jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson. Despite that suggestion, police say there is no evidence of a direct link, and it remains unclear exactly when Joshua was shot and burned.
Renita Towns, Joshua’s grandmother, doubts that his death will receive the attention from the Ferguson Police Department that it should. “Police don't care—he’s black,” she told USA Today.
“They still don’t care. They’re never gonna care. I’ve been here my whole life,” Towns said.