Brendan Depa threw his head back as a judge sentenced him to five years in a Florida state prison. Back in 2023, Depa attacked a teacher’s assistant, leaving her with five broken ribs, a severe concussion and hearing loss, according to her testimony.
During an interview with New York Post, Joan Naydich said she first met Depa in a special needs classroom back in 2022. Depa, who has been diagnosed with autism and other behavioral issues, was always viewed as an “intelligent but troubled student.” Teachers said he would often get agitated and even spew curse words at teachers when he did not get his way.
As he got older, the teen’s behavior reportedly worsened. “Other than him being outwardly defiant, I didn’t notice that there was anything wrong with him,” Naydich told the New York Post. “He was a normal kid.”
But everything came to a head in February 2023 when the then 17-year-old attacked Naydich after she confiscated his Nintendo switch, according to WESH-2. The incident was captured on surveillance video and was played in court before a Florida judge handed down his sentence.
Judge Terence Perkins told the court Depa showed no remorse for his actions. In addition to his five-year prison sentence, a full mental health assessment will be conducted on Depa to create a care plan for him. The now 18-year-old was tried as an adult, and his adoptive mother, Leanne Depa, said this was too harsh.
Leanna testified that her son has mental health issues and was triggered by the removal of his electronics, according to court documents.
After his sentencing, she said, “They are punishing that he is Black, they are punishing that he is large and they are punishing his disability,” reported the Daytona Beach News-Journal. Depa is a Black juvenile who is 6 feet 7 inches tall and weighs around 270 pounds, according the New York Post.
“I think he needs help, and I think he needs treatment,” Leanne told NBC News. “But I don’t think he needs to be put away in a prison where he’s going to be taken advantage of or harmed.”
Naydich testified against Depa in court. During the attack, she was knocked unconscious and says her “life will never be what it was before,” per NBC News. She continued saying “Brendan Depa’s actions that day caused me to lose a job that I had for almost 19 years, lose my financial security, lose my health insurance.”
Depa’s mother is hoping to appeal his case, but as of now, the teen has been taken into custody where he will begin his sentence followed by 15 years of probation.