Missouri police announced that six people have gone missing without a trace since August—but that’s not the scariest part. Upon further investigation, police said they found the individuals to be connected by an alleged cult they joined before their disappearance.
Berkeley Police Department said the group of four adults and two children, ages two and three, all lived together in a home rented by group member Ma’Kayla Wickerson near Lambert St. Louis Airport. They were last seen at a Quality Inn Hotel in Florissant, Mo., per The New York Post.
However, Wickerson’s mother, Cartisha Morgan, told FOX 2 Now she hasn’t heard from her daughter since March 2023. Morgan said her daughter had cut off all communication with family, quit her job and maxed out her credit cards. Police added she changed her name to Intuahma Aquama Auntil.
Morgan believes the disappearance of her daughter and granddaughter, the 3-year-old who is also missing, stems from Wickerson’s involvement in a cult led by online conspiracy theorist Rashad Jamal White. The report said investigators confirmed this notion, finding that each of the adults were indeed a part of White’s “University of Cosmic Intelligence.”
Let me tell you, the curriculum he was serving up was beyond the whole 2Pac being alive and hiding in Cuba thing.
Read more from the Daily Mail:
Self-professed ‘god’ Jamal claims Arizona is a gateway to Africa, birds are government drones and that humans are ‘avatars’ among other outlandish beliefs.
Berkley Police Department’s Major Steve Runge added the group was often seen running around naked in the rain outside the rental home, as well as digging up items from the dirt.
Followers of the cult are encouraged to go ‘off grid’ and change their name to more spiritual monikers.
The FBI has since joined the search with police warning the cult has encouraged a ‘total disconnection’.
In addition to Wickerson, 36, and her 3-year-old daughter Malaiyah, others missing include 30-year-old Naaman Williams, 27-year-old Gerrielle German, 25-year-old Mikayla Thompson and 2-year-old Ashton Williams.
But where is this self-proclaimed “prophet” they follow? In prison.
According to the Georgia Department of Corrections, he is currently serving a lengthy sentence for child molestation and cruelty to children for incidents dating back to February 2020. He was convicted in August—the same time his followers vanished—and is not expected to leave the pen until 2040.
It’s unclear how or if they still communicate with White while he’s behind bars.
The Berkeley Police Department didn’t immediately respond to The Root’s request for comment. If you have any information please contact the department at 314-524-3311.