8 Killed in Miss. Mass Shooting: ‘I Ain’t Fit to Live,’ Says Suspect

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A 35-year-old man was arrested after he allegedly shot and killed eight people, including a police deputy who the suspect said “was just there,” on Saturday in rural Mississippi.

Willie Cory Godbolt, 35, confessed on video to a reporter from the Jackson Clarion-Ledger, who was on the scene before the suspect was transported to jail.

“I ain’t fit to live, not after what I done,” Godbolt said. “Not in y’all eyes, not in nobody else’s eyes.”


The paper reports that Godbolt went to an address in Bogue Chitto, Miss., to talk about his children. Someone called the police, and a responding deputy became one of the victims.


“My pain wasn’t designed for him. He was just there,” Godbolt said. “We was talking about me trying to take the children home ... somebody called the officer. ... That’s what they do, they intervene. It cost him his life. I’m sorry.”


Authorities say that Godbolt held a 16-year-old boy hostage at one point, but the teen was freed unharmed. Godbolt also said he wanted to die at the hands of police.

“I ran out of bullets,” he said. “Suicide by cop was my intention.”

Mississippi Bureau of Investigation spokesperson Warren Strain said the shootings occurred at three separate homes Saturday. Two of the homes are in Brookhaven, Miss., and one is in Bogue Chitto.


None of the victims have been identified.

Read more at the Clarion-Ledger.