6 Facts About the New Real Housewife

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Six facts about the new real housewife: It's confirmed — Kenya Moore will be replacing Sheree Whitfield on the next season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Here's everything (well, at least six things) you ever wanted to know about the new reality star.

Cory Booker praises Obama on gay marriage: On The Rachel Maddow Show, the Newark, N.J., mayor celebrated Obama's endorsement of marriage equality, dismissing the notion that the president had finally "evolved" on the subject for political reasons. "I respect the fact that he struggled with his conscience. And I actually don't see — for those of us who have surrendered to cynicism about politics in general — I don't see a political advantage to this," he said. "I see a guy who was wrestling with this in his heart, and the totality of his personal experiences finally brought him over a line."

Time breast-feeding cover causes debate: This week's Time magazine cover features Jamie Lynne Grumet, a 26-year-old woman breast-feeding her 3-year-old son. The provocative photo, published online Thursday, was not well-received by many. Check it out and let us know what you think.


Black women want to be fat? Author explains: "Many black women are fat because we want to be," Alice Randall stated in the New York Times op-ed that sparked a firestorm of online criticism and backlash. She explained her perspective in more depth to HelloBeautiful.

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