A grand jury has indicted a fifth Vanderbilt University football player, Chris Boyd, for his alleged role in the rape of an unconscious student on campus in June, CBS News reports.
Metro Nashville Police say the 21-year-old reported to police headquarters Saturday morning after being indicted on Friday and turned himself in.
Vanderbilt released a statement Friday saying he had been suspended from the team pending further review. Four other players already have been dismissed …
"All of these allegations, including those brought today, are deeply troubling, and we take them very seriously," Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs Beth Fortune said in a statement. The statement notes that none of the former players have been found guilty. It also says that Vanderbilt continues to cooperate closely with the district attorney's office and the police.
The four other players were dismissed from the team in June and face rape charges, according to the Tennessean.
The attack on the 21-year-old woman, whom the university said was a current student, happened in the early hours of June 23. According to police, she was unconscious when the four raped her. But it wasn't discovered by university officials until two days later. Then, police said, officials there were reviewing hallway camera footage in an unrelated incident when they saw the four former football players acting suspiciously.
Read more at CBS News and the Tennessean.