Ray Benzino has finally cleared the air following a concerning video posted by 50 Cent on Wednesday. In the viral clip, Benzino is seen on the floor, yelling and crying uncontrollably while appearing to hold a knife near his own throat.
The person recording the video is allegedly Benzino’s girlfriend, Ashley Bell. She’s heard saying at the beginning of the clip, “Stop please. Stop. Stop.” Still emotional, Benzino says, “Call the police.”
Bell then screams, “No no no no no no!” sounding as if Benzino was about to harm himself. “Give me the knife! I’ll let them know you’re calm. I’ll call them back.”
In the caption, Fiddy makes some serious claims about the context of the video, writing, “Benzino caught on video, by his girlfriend Ashley Bell threatening to unalive himself with a knife because she called the cops for him allegedly beating her.”
Shortly after Fiddy’s post, Benzino posted a video of his own, responding to the G-Unit boss and clearing the air on what he and his girlfriend were doing in the concerning clip.
He explains, “First and foremost, I just want to let everybody know that I’m okay, all right? Second of all, I want to let everybody know that that was a rehearsal for a Tubi movie, all right? My girl was helping me out, we was doing script reading, and that was a rehearsal for a Tubi movie.”
Benzino continued, “I would never ever put my hands on any woman. I’ve never done that in my life. That’s for cowards and I surely wouldn’t do anything to hurt myself. So shout out to all the people who were concerned, I’m okay.”
He ended the video by thanking 50 Cent for “promoting him.”
As the biggest troll in hip-hop, 50 Cent loves to create messy situations, even if they don’t exist. But his history with Benzino goes back many years: As a longtime signee of Shady/Aftermath Records, Fif he shared the beef Eminem had with Benzino since the early 2000s, making it easy for him to take shots at the “Love & Hip-Hop” star over the years.