It’s no secret that the publishing industry hasn’t always been welcoming to people of color. The number of books published by and for black people has been historically low. But it’s not for a lack of talented writers. The publishing industry just isn’t that diverse. According to a 2015 study by indie children’s book publisher, Lee & Low Books, nearly 80 percent of those working in publishing identify as white. And when it comes to bookstores, the news isn’t much different. According to Open Education Database, only 6 percent of independent bookstores are black-owned.
As a result, books geared towards people of color are regulated to a small section in the corner of most bookstores, leaving many writers of color to face challenges making their books available to the masses. This whitewashing of mainstream publishing leaves many black writers and readers feeling left out.
But some passionate readers are taking matters into their own hands by developing subscription book services that give subscribers exposure to some lesser-known authors of color. If you want to read more books by authors of color but you don’t know where to start, these book subscription boxes deliver.