Writing at Ebony, Michael Arceneaux chronicles the way he's seen "bigots trying to take their country back," and explains why they don't make sense.
1. Give Us Free: Joining disgruntled Texans in the push for successions are upwards of 8,000 lunatics in the neighboring state of Louisiana …
2. Trump Talks of Anarchy: Media genital wart Donald Trump didn't take newfound BFF Mitt Romney's loss well. The sanity-challenged tweeted on the night of the election: "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country! … "
Trump ultimately deleted the tweets — probably because someone informed him that this talk constitutes a treason charge. And then it was announced that President Obama DID win the popular vote. Womp.
3. Holy Roller Revolt: Hate monger with a (disingenuous) smile, Tony Perkins, is obviously not ecstatic over the passage of pro marriage equality initiatives in Maryland, Washington, and Maine. Much of the country would look at that as a sign of progress, but some people are more into distortions of age-old allegory than others.
Michael Arceneaux's entire piece at Ebony.
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Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him on Twitter.