4-Year-Old Boy Calls 911 After Mom Passes Out

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A 4-year-old Georgia boy had been given a bath and dressed when his mother walked out of the room and collapsed.

According to news station WALB, little Jaden Howe didn't panic he just remembered what his mother taught him and called 911.

Jaden told the dispatcher, "My mommy is passed out and she can't talk. She's on the floor. I think she was really sad."


Jaden's mother, Juana Snell, told the news station that she and her son practiced calling 911 just in case anything ever happened.


"We've practiced. We went over the numbers and how to press the green button. Thank God he remembered," she said.


When Jaden couldn't remember his house address, he did what the dispatcher instructed and went to a neighbor's house. The neighbor spoke with the dispatcher and Jaden and the neighbor returned to the house right as Snell began to regain consciousness. 

"I said it's going to be fine," Jaden told the news station.

"He did say that. He said, 'It's going to be just fine, Mommy,'" said Snell. "I was so happy that I wasn't alone, that he was here with me and is my little hero. Right?"


"Right," said Jaden.

Snell was initially treated at her home but was diagnosed later with a severe sinus infection, the news station reports.


Read more at WALB.