4 Debates Black People Need to Put to Rest

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Writing at Ebony, Alisha Tillery says that certain topics, ranging from hair to HBCUs, should be retired unless and until someone finds a new angle or argument.

#TeamNatural vs. #TeamRelaxed: Maybe India Arie was wrong. Maybe we are our hair … because we can't stop talking about it. Women love to debate over which hair choice is better. By now, we're familiar with the go-to arguments for each side …

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) vs. Predominately White Institutions (PWIs): There will always be value in this topic, and rightly so. However, the “evidence” given to support why either is the better choice for educating African-American students is often one-dimensional. Rebuttals include: Students who attend HBCUs are less likely to secure “good” jobs. Those who attend PWIs aren't recognized by predominately White faculty and staff. As an alumnus of both an HBCU and a PWI, I've been on both sides of the argument for over 10 years, and even I am tired of talking about it …


The "90 Day Rule:" Men are still secretly planning to overthrow Steve Harvey as the king of relationship gurus three years after the release of his bestseller, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. In his book, and recently, the movie adaptation, Think Like a Man, Harvey suggested women treat men like an employer would a new employee by placing them on a 90-day probationary period before he can have sex with her. Does it really work? The jury's still out …

Read Alisha Tillery's entire piece at Ebony.

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