Third Ohio shooting victim dies: CBS reports that a third student wounded in a shooting rampage at Chardon High School Monday has died. A statement from MetroHealth Medical Center identified the third student as Demetrius Hewlin. In a statement, his family said, "Demetrius was a happy young man who loved life and his family and friends. We will miss him very much but we are proud that he will be able to help others through organ donation. We ask that you respect our privacy during this difficult time."
Teen found after family appears on The View: Sixteen-year-old Mishell DiAmonde disappeared on Sept. 8, 2011. Just hours after her mother, Janell Johnson-Dash, told her story on ABC's The View last week, an anonymous caller to the Black and Missing Foundation revealed Green's whereabouts and reunited her with her family, ABC News reports.
Seventy-year-old says that raw vegan lifestyle is fountain of youth: Check out a photo of Miami-Dade County resident Annette Larkins at Frugivore.
Republicans would "vote for their dog over Obama": That's what Joe Scarborough said on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning. ("The dog probably is more moderate on social issues than Rick Santorum," the Washington Post‘s Eugene Robinson replied.)