I hear you looking at me right now like, “How did Ray J end up ‘round here?” And to that I say, despite the fact that I have stated very plainly that I’m a fan of one Willie Ray Norwood, I didn’t put Ray J on this list, I put “One Wish” on this list because this song is absolutely fire. And it has always been. This was during the era when Ray J went to certified hitmaker Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins to craft him an album and, well, Raydiation, is actually a quite good album. This single, though, the highest charting of his career, was not only fun to listen to, its one of the greatest karaoke performance songs ever, if you can find it at your spot. I actually think that the song is dope enough that it would be a hit if anybody sang it. But thankfully, the good lawd saw fit to allow Ray J to bring us this particular dish of warm buttered soul.
Ray J “One Wish” (2005)
Not to mention that “One Wish” is a pantheon-level “Dancing In The Rain” video. True story: Any time it rains, I throw on an all-black outfit and run outside and try to recreate this video. Okay, that’s not a true story at all, but it is a bucket list item. Ray J can’t really dance for shit, but he absolutely was ticking his whole heart out in the rain. The vocal performance isn’t even bad. Truth be told, in 2005, this song literally gave you everything you needed in a song, especially coming from Ray J, whose career is vastly underrated.
So here we are, celebrating musical blackness, with Ray J.
I know that if you had one wish, that’s how you’d use it, too.
I’ll see myself out.