Ain’t no way in the world this monthlong series would pass without a nod to one of the greatest albums ever that also happens to feature Michael Jackson at his Blackest. 1979's Off The Wall is a certified classic. It’s the album that launched Thriller. But the cover let’s you know it’s about to be the jams. Mike has on a tuxedo and a ‘fro in all of it’s Black ass glory. Mike’s uncharacteriscally big ass hands—seriously, there are stories about how big his hands were—are doing Black things. Ain’t a Black man alive who hasn’t struggled with what to do with their hands in a picture. Mike put it all out there first.
There isn’t a ton to say about this album mostly because it’s all been said. Off The Wall is an iconic album and the album cover lives in Michael Jackson lore as well. You don’t have to see the album cover to see the album cover. Same with Thriller. If somebody mentions either album, I’m sure the details are burned into your brain already. That’s how impactful this album was.
Also, the album is perfect and is his best solo album. This is not debatable. Fight your moms, bro.