Turns out that people who live in states most likely to have sundown towns and high rates of meth addiction also have higher rates of COVID-19 cases because they don’t want no stupid face condoms interfering with their civil liberties.
According to the Washington Post, these states that overwhelmingly voted for former President Donald Trump also have higher rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths.
Turns out that some 23 states have “a total of new COVID-19 cases per capita that surpasses the national ratio...[and] 21 voted for Trump in November. Hawaii and Georgia are the only Biden-voting states to have more cases per capita than the country’s average,” Business Insider reports.
The study also found that of the 18 states that have death tolls higher than the national average, 14 of them voted for Trump. These 14 states also buy more Bud Light and NASCAR paraphernalia than any other states in the country.
Sounds like a former president politicized vaccinations and preventative measures against a fucking virus.
The chain of correlation makes it “much harder to assert that politics is not playing a role,” The Washington Post’s noted.
“Republicans have been less concerned about the virus, less likely to embrace practices such as masking, more likely to express opposition to vaccination and (obviously) voted more heavily for Trump,” the Post reports. “States that are seeing the most new cases and deaths are states that are less heavily vaccinated and were more supportive of Trump last year.”
In July, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, told ABC that America has to “get away from the divisiveness.”
Viruses, Fauci said, “don’t know the difference between a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent.”
To which those 21 states said: “STFU!”
You know who knows more than the nation’s highest infectious disease doctor? A former president who gets his body painted orange twice a week.