Your senior year of college was probably not spent running for the mayor of Athens-Clarke County, Georgia. For Glenn Stegall, this is a reality being fueled by elbow grease and web 2.0. From EricaAmerica
The election is on November 2nd, and while Stegall is not the first ambitious undergrad to go after the college town Mayorship, he has a new advantage: a Barack Obama fund raising model, Facebook, and a life that began in poverty and transcended into the middle class – an advantage that he thinks, sets him apart.
“I believe being able to live in both poverty and the middle class allowed me to see two different worlds,” Stegall told me via e-mail. “I hope this unique experience will give me the insight and understanding a public servant needs to serve a diverse group of citizens.”
Check out Stegall's Gchat interview with Erica at EricaAmerica.