Writing at the Huffington Post, Tavis Smiley presents a list of funny (and not-so-funny) lines that he hopes not to hear the day after the election.
"They said Obama was winning!"
"I didn't get to the polls, but I did say a prayer for the brotha!"
"You know they wasn't gonna let no Black man have no two terms!"
"See, what had happened was … "
"I couldn't get my outfit together!"
"I must have caught that 'Romnesia,' is it 2012 already?"
"They knew in the second term he was finally gonna hook US up!"
"That damn Stacey Dash!"
"They suppressed my vote!"
"I'm part of the black bourgeoisie 1%, I had to vote for RoMONEY!"
"That line was too long!"
"I ran by the house right after work cause I had forgot my sample ballot; got me something to eat, sat down for a quick minute, and … "
Read Tavis Smiley's entire piece at the Huffington Post.
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