“N—er alert!” shouted a group of Latino teenagers as they repeatedly punched a Black autistic teen in the NYC subway, according to a video circulating social media. Authorities say only one of the suspects have been arrested in connection to this shameful attack.
A 15-year-old autistic boy was getting off the A train at West 181 Street and Fort Washington Ave when a group of teens decided to pick on him for no reason. In the video, a girl is seen pulling the teen by his jacket along the platform and onto the train. She then yells at him to get off the train while still gripping his collar and begins punching him. When the girl pulls him off the train, a crowd of teenagers are seen on the left side of the frame - all of them with their phones out trying to catch a World Star moment.
At some point the boy tries to defend himself against the girl causing two teenage boys join in ruthlessly throwing punches at him on the platform bench. During the attack, they continuously shouted racial slurs at him. At some point, he managed to escape their attack and run back down the platform.
Reports say the victim called the police after getting back on the train. The teen’s mother told ABC7 she refused to watch the video but shared that the teen suffered injuries requiring stitches and his glasses were broken.
Watch the video at your own discretion:
The NYPD 34th Precinct tweeted pictures of the three suspects Monday asking for tips on the incident and the bystanders, who failed to intervene, dropped more videos of the interaction in the Twitter thread. One 14-year-old was arrested in connection so far. Because of the slurs thrown by the suspects the NYPD Hate Crime Unit is also on the case.
The subway is already a hot spot for a variety of violent crimes including shootings or commuters being thrown on the tracks. Just trying to get home could send you to a hospital or a casket.