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Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments

Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments

With the 95th Academy Awards happening tonight (March 12), we decided to take a walk down memory lane.

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Image for article titled Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments
Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

One year after the most infamous moment in the history of the Academy Awards, the slap heard ‘round the world still has everyone talking. The renewed interest is largely because of Chris Rock’s newest Netflix stand-up special, Selective Outrage, in which he addressed the embarrassing incident and claimed that Will Smith’s wife, Jada, is responsible for how everything that transpired. The Root has covered the moment ad nauseum, which has struck a nerve with our readers who frequently—and passionately—sound off. Here are a few of our favorite comments from the people who have shared their thoughts.

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Chris Rock F*cked Around And Found Out

Chris Rock F*cked Around And Found Out

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Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“I absolutely agree that Will Smith should not have hit Chris Rock. Not gonna lie, though, it was kind of cathartic to see someone come to a Black woman’s defense in public. We can defend ourselves, but damn if it isn’t exhausting to always have to hide the tears and the anger, to project strength because we can’t count on anyone having our back. We have never gotten the benefit of chivalry.


Chris Rock made a whole-ass movie about Black women and our hair—including a scene where he encouraged a bunch of Black men in a barbershop to talk about why they liked white women—and he thought it would be funny to mock a Black woman for her hair loss. He f*cked around and found out.”

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Everyone Needs To Chill Out

Everyone Needs To Chill Out

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Photo: Michael Dwyer (AP)

“He made GI Jane joke dude, are you kidding me? He didn’t say she looked ugly, like a man, or called her out her name. He compared her to a bald white women, who at the time the movie came out was called brave just for cutting of her hair for a movie. I remember the press back then, because people saw her bald. Did you have this smoke when he said he understood why OJ killed his wife? probably not”

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Chris Rock Is A Terrible Person

Chris Rock Is A Terrible Person

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Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“Chris Rock is a terrible person. He’s not a hero. If someone walked up to my wife and insulted her to her face, I would probably slap them. If the police came, I would say that he verbally assaulted my wife so I hit him, because that’s what happened.


Insulting people is only funny to you. To the other person, you are a jerk and a bully. They may laugh it off, but you likely hurt that person. If you’ve ever been hurt by ‘jokes’ and wanted to hit the person, then you should sympathize with Will Smith. That slap wouldn’t have resulted in jail time anywhere I have ever been, so stop making it some sort of felony.”

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Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

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Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“I’m waiting for the Chris Rock defenders to say ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.’ Tell that the the folks who spend millions on words to influence your behavior. Tell that to your boss when s/he tells you to do something. Tell that to your mother or father when they say something. Words are expressions of thoughts that are intended to lead to certain behaviors and outcomes. Sticks and stones WILL break your bones, and words will start them flying.”

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Find Better Role Models

Find Better Role Models

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Photo: Evan Agostini (AP)

“Black people defending his tired ass, posturing, fake big b*lls bullsh*t need to go sit down and find better role models.


That was some ghetto sh*t right there and I for one wasn’t impressed. And then to continue with foul language like he got drunk at the family BBQ (reunion, wedding, funeral, kid’s birthday party, and all the places black asshole fools like him, ruin, as my mother would say, everyone’s happy good time), was just...assine.

That wasn’t about Jada, that was all about him. She’s been humiliating him publically for quite some time. Instead of slapping Chris like b*tch, he needs to have a calm conversation with his wife.”

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So Assault Is Ok?

So Assault Is Ok?

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Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“What’s your point? That words have effect so assault as a response is cool?”

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A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective

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Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“I have a different perspective. Because he made the documentary, and made money off the plight of black women and their struggle with their hair, he should not have said anything at all about Jada in reference to GI Jane. Demi’s character was bald by choice. Jada is not.


While I firmly don’t believe Will made the best decision, I understood it. And I still do.

BTW I am a fan of Chris and Will’s. Jada, from an acting perspective, not so much.”

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Worst Side Of American History

Worst Side Of American History

Image for article titled Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments
Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“This article-your thesis and including the title-is regressive in so many ways. You’re arguing that Black folks need to impart violence-intentionally, publicly, in anger-on other Black folks when they stray from whatever narrative one deems as justifiable. That people’s (in your assessment) poor decisions justify a public ‘stomp down’. Or, in this case, a hard, full hand slap.


The Root...really?! How did we get here? How did YOU get here? NO one deserves that kind of violence acted upon them. Especially Black people. I mean, we CAME out of that worldview (i.e., slavery). Don’t let your obvious grievances with Black men put you on the side of the worst of American history.

Oh, and BTW, this: ‘honestly, Black women could care less about who they [Black men] date.’ Sister, PLEASE.”

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Tupac’s Code Of Conduct

Tupac’s Code Of Conduct

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Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“Tupac once said Black men need a code of conduct. If he had adopted such a code he might be alive today. So I will second the late great Tupac and say, we need a code of conduct. Unless you are defending yourself, your people, or your house from a deadly threat - no violence ever for any reason is acceptable. Not for insults, or slights, or disrespect, or jokes, or arguments, or bumped shoulders, or stepped on shoes, or looks, or gangs, or beefs - rap related or otherwise, Black men cannot use violence to solve problems. It is imperative for our survival.”

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We’re Gonna Need A Shovel

We’re Gonna Need A Shovel

Image for article titled Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments
Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“Are we lining up black male comedians that ‘antagonized’ black women for a slap in the face? ‘Cause we’re gonna need a shovel...”

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A Stupid Take

A Stupid Take

Image for article titled Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments
Photo: Handout (Getty Images)

“What a stupid take. Rock was 100 % correct about why Smith hit him. Will got outed by his own wife as a cuck. Makes Smith a super cuck and he was looking to show he was a tough guy. And of course responding to words with fists is WRONG. Again, what a stupid take”

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...But I Understand

...But I Understand

Image for article titled Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments
Photo: John Rasimus/STAR MAX/IPx (AP)

“Violence begets violence, and I’m not saying Will Smith shouldn’t have slapped fire out of him...but I understand.”

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Ok, Denzel!

Ok, Denzel!

Image for article titled Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments
Photo: Chris Pizzello (AP)

“It was toxic masculinity. But an unsung hero is the great Denzel Washington. He’s the one who talked to the Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, and he seemed to help Will Smith understand the situation and pull it together. For so many reasons, Washington is and always has been a stand-up guy.”

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Did Anyone Slap Ricky Gervais?

Did Anyone Slap Ricky Gervais?

Image for article titled Y’all Said It! Your Juiciest Chris Rock & Will Smith Comments
Photo: John Rasimus/STAR MAX/IPx (AP)

“B.S, Not only did Will, embarass himself and every person of color there, his action, negated every black person’s moment of pride. Does anyone remember Samuel L Jackson getting an award? How about Questlove? or the fact it was the first oscars produced by a black man - No and why? NOT because of Chris, his set was easily forgettable, no, we all forget because Will Smith made a fool of himself. Did anyone ever get up and slap Ricky Gervais? Lord knows his hits were ten times worse at the globes, yet, no one got up. Yet, Mr. Smith decided to act the fool


My only wish was that someone would have stepped up for Chris and slapped Will right out........In PRIVATE.”
