Whether you’re totally vested or couldn’t care less, you’re probably up to speed with Meghan Markle’s less than complimentary coverage in the media since she’s been publicly paired with Prince Harry. But according to a new book, Markle has had issues with the media’s coverage of her relationship with Harry from the very beginning. The book “Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown” reveals that Markle was irate about a 2017 Vanity Fair cover story she felt was racist.
In her book, royal author Valentine Low writes that among the issues she had with the story, Meghan felt the headline, “She’s Just Wild About Harry!” was just a little too close to the title of the song “I’m Just Wild About Harry.” And in case you don’t know much about 1930s films (and we wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t), Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney performed that song along with a group of dancers in blackface in the 1939 musical film “Babes In Arms.”
Low’s book explains that the Duchess was excited to participate in the interview, which was timed around the 100th episode of Suits, the drama she starred in from 2011 - 2018. Markle hoped the feature would zero in on her acting career and charitable efforts. But instead, the story seemed to focus entirely on her relationship with Prince Harry.
The book explains Markle was so upset by the Vanity Fair coverage that she wanted to fire her public relations advisor, Keleigh Thomas Morgan who was left in charge of negotiating the details of the interview. “She was very unhappy with how that had been handled,” said a source, according to an excerpt from the book. “She did not like the photographs. She thought the story was negative. She was upset that it was about Harry, not about her.”