A white teacher from Whitney Young Magnet High School in Chicago has been suspended after hanging a Black doll by its neck in front of his classroom, reported Chicago Sun-Times. Following the incident, he allegedly argued with a Black teacher who was offended by what he’d done.
Monday, a Black history teacher saw a doll of a Black football player hanging from a cord at the front of the white teacher’s classroom, per Chicago Sun-Times. An intense argument ensued between the white teacher and the Black teacher in front of students. Reports claim there was profanity involved.
The confrontation was caught on video and circulated among the students.
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In a series of tweets Wednesday, the Chicago Teachers Union, which represents both teachers, said the district “has a responsibility to provide a safe space for every member of our school communities, which is especially important in a district that serves a student population that is 90% Black and Brown children.
“We understand the investigation at Whitney Young is ongoing, but practices that mitigate the harm of racial biases must also be ongoing and consistent in our schools. And any definition of ‘safety’ must include creating and reinforcing an environment of equity and inclusion for all students, staff and faculty of color.”
In a petition for the removal of the teacher, signers claimed the teacher had been problematic for a long time, per Chicago Sun-Times. The petition gathered over 400 signatures.
School principal Joyce Kenner said in an email to the school community that she plans to elevate student voices as part of addressing the incident. The school held a listening session in order to allow students to ask questions regarding the incident, per Chicago-Times.my fault I was writing fast
Kenner said she will be investigating the incident with the Chicago Public Schools’ Title IX office.