Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene rang in the new year with a permanent Twitter ban and a 24 hour suspension from Facebook. The bans follow repeated violations of both platforms’ COVID-19 misinformation policies. Greene was suspended from Twitter twice for the same violation over the summer.
First, Twitter banned Greene’s personal account on Saturday.
“We permanently suspended the account you referenced (@mtgreenee) for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy. We’ve been clear that, per our strike system for this policy, we will permanently suspend accounts for repeated violations of the policy,” a Twitter spokesperson told CBS News.
Then Facebook followed up with a brief ban of their own the next day.
“A post violated our policies and we have removed it; but removing her account for this violation is beyond the scope of our policies,” a spokesperson from Facebook’s parent company, Meta, told USA Today.
Greene posted the 24 hour notice from Facebook to her GETTR account, where she also ran to whine about her Twitter suspension. “You can’t post or comment for 24 hours,” the notice read according to USA Today.
From USA Today:
Greene criticized the move from Facebook, calling it “beyond censorship of speech” in a post on GETTR.
“I’m an elected Member of Congress representing over 700,000 US tax paying citizens and I represent their voices, values, defend their freedoms, and protect the Constitution,” she added.
The move comes a day after Twitter permanently blocked the Georgia lawmaker’s personal account on the social media platform. The account was cited for repeatedly violating the platform’s COVID-19 misinformation policy, Twitter spokesperson Trenton Kennedy confirmed to USA TODAY.
Greene’s personal account was banned for a Saturday post on Twitter that included inaccurate information about COVID-19.
The post marked the fifth “strike” on her account, which was also suspended for seven days in August for promoting misleading COVID-19 information.
Greene on Sunday also criticized the ban from Twitter, calling the social media platform “an enemy to America.”
Greene has always peddled far-right conspiracy theories, but the difference with her COVID-19 misinformation is the millions of lives already lost to a pandemic that continues to affect millions more.
The Georgia Rep. is definitely among her kind on GETTR, a social media platform geared toward conservatives. There she can scream into an alt-right abyss, with the collective IQ of 40, about crisis actors and killer vaccines without facing consequences.