I think we need to be more stingy about who we give titles to.
Like, starring in a porn film doesn’t make you a porn star. And spouting crazy shit into a megaphone while wearing a blue vest doesn’t make you an activist.
So with this I will say that far-right conspiracy theorist and part-time Facebook doctor Laura Loomer, who once claimed that she wanted to get COVID-19 so she could prove it wasn’t any worse than “bad fajitas,” is now spouting that she’s in “so much pain” after contracting COVID-19.
Posting on messaging app Telegram and viewed by Newsweek, “Loomer said she got tested because she was suffering from fever, chills, nausea, runny nose, sore throat and aches that ‘made my whole body feel like I got hit by a bus.’”
I believe it was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said, “Play stupid games and win Laura Loomer.” I could be wrong about this.
Loomer, an anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist—and a horrible person who is running for Congress in...yep, you guessed it, Florida!—noted that she’s not vaccinated (of course she isn’t) and has been treating the virus on her own using “Azithromyacin and Hydroxychloroquine.”
From Newsweek because, I swear, these people are bonkers:
She is also attempting to treat the virus with deworming drug ivermectin, but “doctors are really weird about prescribing it, which pisses me off.”
Ivermectin, which is used to treat both humans and animals such as horses, has not been officially approved and advised against as a COVID-19 treatment by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Loomer also said she was able to receive the Regeneron antibody treatment for COVID because she lives in Florida.
And to think she could’ve worn a mask and gotten a vaccine but, nope, she’d rather take experimental drugs and feel like she’s been hit by a bus. Make it make sense, little four-pound three-ounce baby Jesus.
“Just pray for me please. Can’t even begin to explain how brutal the body aches and nausea that come with covid are,” she wrote. “I am in so much pain. This is honestly the worst part about it.”
Social media was quick to send out thoughts and prayers. In fact, one thought they wanted Loomer to ruminate on was a social media post she sent in December 2020.
“I hope I get COVID so I can prove to people I’ve had hours of food poisoning that are more serious and life-threatening than a hyped up virus,” Loomer wrote on Parler.
“Have you ever eaten bad fajitas? That will kill you faster than COVID.”
But why would Loomer let a little virus like COVID-19 stop her from spreading more lies about the coronavirus and how the vaccine doesn’t work?
“I have COVID, and I don’t regret not taking the vaccine. I will never take the vaccine. I will now have natural immunity, Regeneron antibodies, and within a few days of rest along with my ZPACK, the HCQ, combined vitamin supplements (zinc, C, D, NAC), and hopefully some ivermectin soon, I’m confident I will have a speedy recovery,” Loomer wrote.
Wait, nothing about how the vaccine is being used to track citizens going to Walmart?
Loomer continued: “These COVID vaccines are poison to your body and a control mechanism for the federal government to track and surveil you.”
Some trains are never late.