Today’s piece is brought to you by the letter “T.” And no, that’s not a “T” for Trick Daddy.
It’s a “T” for tomfoolery because that’s exactly the wave you have to be on to say something as egregious as what Trick Daddy said.
Per Hot New Hip-Hop, the Florida rapper apparently had somewhat of a hot mic moment during a panel discussion on Monday night on Clubhouse. We don’t know what prompted the initial conversation but it didn’t take long for the King and Queen of music to pop up in conversation. Referencing an unknown artist, Trick Daddy began his mini rant by saying that “Beyoncé only fucks with her because she see money.” (Hmm. Could this possibly be in reference to Megan Thee Stallion, considering the monster success of “Savage Remix” and all the awards it racked up this season? It remains to be seen.)
“Beyoncé ain’t tried to give back to music or nothing, she don’t write music and barely can sing her own mf’ing self,” Trick Daddy continued. “Beyoncé cant SANG.”
He then went on to say, “I’mma say my unpopular opinion right now. Beyoncé is to R&B what Jay-Z is to New York. That’s why they’re together. Jay-Z ain’t never won ‘The Greatest Rapper Alive.’ Who ever put him on a level of that? New York lost Biggie, they needed a hero, they wanted a ‘mega’ of Hip-Hop and they just handed it over to Jay-Z.”
Wow. Shots fired. As usual though, when anybody decides to come for the Queen B, the Beyhive got in “Formation” to defend their fearless leader, as did most folks online:
“See….Clubhouse is demonic because why is Trick Daddy on there saying Beyoncé can’t sing??,” singer Jessie Woo tweeted out.
“Chile....i KNOW trick daddy ain’t [talking] about THEE BEYONĆE GISELLE KNOWLES CARTER,” another user wrote.
Now listen, I don’t have too much to say about what Trick Daddy said because my Mama taught me that you don’t argue with a fool because folks passing by won’t be able to tell who from who. So all I’m gonna do is sit back and watch the Beyhive work.
Besides, he “aint talking ‘bout nann” anyway.